Football and the Law is the first comprehensive review of the law relating to all aspects of football, including the main regulatory and commercial aspects of the sport. With contributions from more than 50 of the leading experts in the field, Football and the Law is a valuable resource for lawyers and others active in the football industry, as well as a vital source of material for students, legal practitioners and others who wish to learn more about the area. The work refers to the key legal principles, cases and regulatory materials relevant to football.
Nick De Marco QC
Keiron Beal QC
Michael Beloff QC
Nick Bitel
Karim Bouzidi
Alice Bricogne
Richard Bush
Liz Coley
Nick Cusack
Anita Davies
James Eighteen
Jonathan Ellis
Pedro Fida
Paul Fletcher
Daniel Geey
Paul Gilroy QC
Edwin Glasgow QC
Paul Goulding QC
Tom Grant
Diya Sen Gupta
Alex Hackney
Mark Hovell
Oliver Hunt
Christopher Jeans QC
James Kitching
Daniel Lowen
Ian Lynam
Sara Mansoori
Emma Mason
Alistair McHenry
Ian Mill QC
Gavin Millar QC
George Molyneaux
Tom Mountford
Jane Mulcahy QC
Tim Owen QC
Ariel Reck
Tom Richards
Stephen Sampson
James Segan
Graham Shear
Zane Shihab
Supinder Sian
Shane Sibbel
Jamie Singer
Andrew Smith
Peter Stockwell
Andrew Street
Jim Sturman QC
Rhodri Thompson QC
James Thorndyke
Victoria Wakefield
Chris Walsh