A fascinating account of the revelations made by Our Lady to three children at Fatima in 1917. It documents the greatest miracle of modern history, the Miracle of the Sun on 13th October 1917 which was witnessed by 70,000 people. It covers the three secrets given and the handling by the Church and all the events are set in the context of World history. Our Lady cautioned that if her requests were not met then the World would suffer a war more terrible than World War I. She said that the sign that this war was imminent would be a night illumined by an unknown light and this miracle happened on 25th January 1938, just 6 weeks before Hitler annexed Austria. The book covers the assassination attempt on John Paul II and how he was convinced that Our Lady had intervened to save him, which prompted him to finally release the text of the 3rd secret, 83 years after it had been given to Lucia dos Santos. The book shows that the message of Fatima was not just for 1917, but that it's a very real warning for us today.