This book is based on the TRIPLE i in Suicidology internationalconferences, which are organised annually by the Slovene Center forSuicide Research in memory of the late Prof. Andrej Marusic withthe aim of promoting intuition, imagination and innovation in theresearch and prevention of suicide and suicidal behaviour. Thecarefully selected chapters provide food for thought topractitioners, researchers, students, and all those who come intocontact with the tragedy of suicide, with the hope of stimulatingnew ideas and interventions in the difficult fight against suicidalbehaviours.In four parts, the internationally renowned team of authorssummarises the achievements of suicidology so far (both inquantitative and qualitative research), presents effectiveinterventions in suicide prevention (including for youths and olderpeople) and knowledge gained in bereavement and postventionstudies (such as in different cultures and those bereaved by suicide),and highlights future directions for suicide research and prevention.The volume is thus a useful resource for all those interested inkeeping up-to-date with recent research and practice in suicide.