This experiential, workbook-style text focuses on key skill sets necessary for personal and managerial success in organizations today. These skill sets are:·Intrapersonal skills – those skills essential for understanding oneself and one’s personality: perception, awareness, disclosure and trust, value clarification, goal setting, identifying barriers to personal change and time-and stress-management. ·Interpersonal skills – those skills necessary for working with others: conveying verbal messages, listening and non-verbal communication, giving and receiving feedback, communicating with diverse others and overcoming barriers to communication.·Team skills – those skills required for understanding and working in teams: forming, leading and facilitating teams, decision-making [including ethical decision frameworks], problem-solving, running meetings and project management.·Advanced interpersonal skills – those skills needed for leading and developing others: coaching and mentoring, empowerment and delegation, persuasion, networking, politicking, negotiation and conflict management.