Since early 1970s, the establishment of recombinant DNA technology and the subsequent rapid development of transgenic technology have played, and will continue to play, a key role in fields of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, medicine, light industry and environmental protection. Many people believe that biotechnology will be one of the ten key-technologies for high-tech development in the next few years. Some even consider the biotechnology, particularly GM technology as key technology to solve the food security problems for developing countries in the 21st century.This book, in three parts, discusses the biological base of transgenic technology, the effects of GMOs on environment and health, and assessment and regulation of risks of GMOs in the first part; policies, regulations, laws and framework of biosafety of GMOs are analyzed in the second part; the socio-economic impacts and public participation are in the third part. All the contents are based on the studies and experiences on the GMOs and their biosafety.