When it comes to emergencies, people aren't the only ones at risk. Your pets can face many of the same dangers that threaten you, and they deserve quality first aid. The Pet Lover's Guide to First Aid and Emergencies, written by a leading veterinary author, could save your pet's life by enabling you to react quickly and appropriately to almost any emergency. Don't be helpless. Know what to do to stabilize your canine or feline family member until medical attention from a vet can be obtained.
Full-color line art and photographs demonstrate animal behavior, how to take pulses and heart rates, and pressure points. Other illustrations depict transport of a trauma patient, basic CPR techniques, types of bandages, allergic reactions, open-mouth breathing, and methods of cooling for heatstroke.
Special boxes labeled "Where We Stand" present the author's strong opinions on specific (sometimes controversial) issues in a highlighted, easy-to-find format.
Key terms are highlighted, making them easy to locate and reference - these terms are also included in the glossary with clear, simple definitions.
Important information is bulleted and placed in a shaded box, bringing the main points to the reader's attention in a quick and useful way.
Detailed list of emergency situations and proper responses shows how to do a complete and thorough examination of causes and signs, plus first-aid treatment, in a concise and user-friendly format.
Emergencies are alphabetically listed and divided by species, enabling quick access to critical information and to appropriate actions.
Clear readability makes information easily accessible to pet owners, helping them provide appropriate first aid to pets before medical attention from a veterinarian can be obtained.
Written by established, recognized veterinarians, this book is a reliable source for veterinary professionals.