Llewellyn's Sabbats Almanac - Samhain 2011 to Mabon 2012
Make the most of each season of the Witches' year with "Llewellyn's Sabbats Almanac". Packed with rituals, rites, recipes, and crafts, this essential guide offers unique and fresh ways to celebrate the eight sacred Wiccan holidays - and enrich your spiritual life throughout the year. Get unique and inspiring ideas on honouring the Wheel of the Year from your favourite Wiccan and Pagan authors. Rediscover the fundamentals of each festival and learn historic folk rites. Plan spiritually uplifting family celebrations, filled with tasty treats and reminders of the season's gifts and lessons. Also featured are astrological influences to help you plan Sabbat rituals according to cosmic energies (2011 edition: 9780738714974).