Olad was a tall and straight-backed cave dweller, born into the line of Kane. His life was simple while he was growing up, but as he grew into a man, he recognized that his future was fated. He was from a prestigious bloodline, one of great responsibility and authority. He would, one day, become leader of the people and the keeper of the way. Papi, his great grandfather, guided his life, preparing him to become the clan's leader, the healer, and the shaman. Papi took him on a long quest to help him get closer to the spirit world, and to find his spirit guide. His spirit guide would strengthen him, and help him to become a strong and powerful leader. Olad was now the last of the first-born bloodline; the successor to the leadership. He knew he must eventually accept the village responsibilities, but he needed help, and Papi was too old to offer much more than advice. He must find a way to care for the needs of his people. It was up to him whether the village, and the bloodline would survive.