In Parents Who Kill, renowned crime expert Carol Anne Davis explores the motives behind the act which flies in the face of all reason and instinct. This timely study examines some of the most harrowing cases documented in recent legal history, ranging from tragic negligence to more culturally specific instances of religious honour killings for 'sexual deviancy'. Updated to include analysis of the most recent case of Mick and Mairead Philpott, who killed six of their children after setting fire to their own home, Davis casts a forensically objective eye over powerful themes encompassing jealousy, insanity, greed and everything in between. But this is more than jut a study in the macabre. Davis shows great compassion and insight to reveal the psychology behind disability, mercy killings and post-natal depression, whilst in the final conclusion she proposes solutions to these issues and potentially life-saving avenues of help. Parents Who Kill is the complete compendium for anyone seeking to answer the hardest question: 'What could possibly turn a parent into a killer?'