Invasive species are responsible for significant impacts on agriculture, food security and health worldwide. This collection looks at a wide range of invasive species, including insects, plants, snails, fungal diseases, including: Mimosa diplotricha, Chromolaena odorata, privet, Opuntia, fall armyworm, Aedes albopictus, Prostephanus truncatus, Pomacea, and ash dieback. The articles examine mechanisms for detecting the spread of invasive species, and models for understanding the mechanisms of invasion alongside control and management approaches with a particular focus on biological control. The articles have been specially selected from contributions to CABI Reviews.
Contributions by: B. M. A. Abdel-Banat, A. Alba, P. Alda, Marina P. Arbetman, C. Bergamino, R. C. Blackman, M. C. Boukouvala, Matthew L. Buffington, S. Burela, Nicolás R. Cecchetto, Matthew Cock, Michael Day, Kent M. Daane, H. A. F. El-Shafie, R. Enderle, Harry Evans, Zhang FuDou, S. García-Lara, E. W. Githae, Jennifer Grenz, V. C. Griess, B. Hänfling, Kim A. Hoelmer, A. J. Hruska, S. Hurtrez-Boussès, Vanessa L. Jones, Brooks A. Kaiser, N. G. Kavallieratos, Melina Kourantidou, V. Lafond, L. Lawson-Handley, Jana C. Lee, S. Lioy, L. M. López-Castillo, M. Lounnas, P. R. Martín, B. L. Muatinte, B. M. Mvumi, J. P. Pointier, M. Porporato, M. Rusdy, E. Sabourin, L. Saveanu, M. E. Seuffert, R. H. Shaw, Shen ShiCai, V. Srivastava, John P. Stanga, J Stenlid, N. E. Tamburi, I. Unlu, Osariyekemwen Uyi, Rimvydas Vasaitis, A. A. Vázquez, Xingeng Wang, Rachel L. Winston, Eduardo E. Zattara