Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 secured for Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese Nationalist forces what no amount of pleading had been able to produce: an influx of U.S. supplies. This volume explores the strategies of the Allies in China, Burma and India in World War II and the politically charged campaign waged in that theater. After an overview of the Allied situation in early 1942, the work presents the personal accounts of six individuals who served as part of the resupply effort in the CBI theater: Captain Edward Goodman, Captain David C. Hall, Staff Sergeant Robert Boehm, Corporal Anthony R. Silva, Corporal Alexander McVean and Tech Sergeant Kenneth R. Quigley. The service of African Americans in the CBI theatre is also discussed in detail. Appendices contain information on the organization of a motor transport truck regiment in Persia during World War II and an extract from a December 1944 log of an Air Jungle Rescue Unit in Burma.