Be the person you might never have become. There's still time left in "Your Unfinished Life,.". Self help book germane to finding happiness and achieving success, motivation, inspiration, kindness, service to others and making the most of the rest of your life. Includes summaries of two classic works on kindness by Jean Guibert and Frederick Faber from around the turn of the 20th century, with author commentary. Contains dozens of inspiring quotes from Marcus Aurelius, Mother Teresa, The Dalai Lama, George Foreman, Joel Osteen, David Shipler, Martin Seligman, Stephen Covey, Eckhardt Tolle and many others. Further sources of reference on happiness, kindness and gaining personal insight. Provides revealing insights to lead you to your highest and most fulfilled self, so your unplayed music won't die inside you. An excellent source for personal and library use that can benefit individuals and their communities. For anyone seeking happines s and a fuller life for themselves or others. An excellent gift book.