Bridging the gap between research and practice, the CBMCS Multicultural Training Program will take counselors from cultural sensitivity to cultural proficiency. Eligible for up to 32 CEU credits Eligible for Mental Health Services Act (Prop 63) Funds Based on several years of research and collaboration among the University of La Verne, the California Department of Mental Health, the California Institute of Mental Health, and the California Mental Health Directors Assoc., this unique training program gives mental health facilities a valuable tool in working with diverse populations. Developed with the frontline counselor in mind:aReliable Research Four comprehensive training modules sprang from rigorous research methods and multivariate statistical processes. The included Multicultural Reader provides trainers with critical background research, improving their knowledge base. Practical Implementation The Trainer's Manual provides a clear roadmap through each training module. Mental health trainers will get step-by-step instructions along with invaluable suggestions on creating successful training sessions. The First Training Program That Empowers Trainers to Customize Workshops A 21-question, easy-to-administer cultural competence scale is at the core of this training program. This scale is a quick way for trainers to assess each individual counselorAEs level of cultural understanding, giving trainers the freedom to customize the program as needed. CMBCS includes the following materials: CBMCS Scale: A 21-item practitioner self-report scale, which was honed from five respected assessment scales that included provides the foundation for this extensive training program. (Qty. 25 included) Additional copies available at extra cost.CBMCS Multicultural Reader: Featuring leading research, this compilation of 23 articles provides a wellspring of seminal studies on delivering culturally competent care. Topics include general issues in multicultural counseling competence training, ethnic minority intervention and treatment research, and sociocultural diversities. One copy included in the Trainer's Package. Additional copies $49.95 ea. CBMCS Training Modules: This step-by-step resource will guide trainers through four modules. Each module includes a description, techniques and methods, materials needed, references, handouts, Power Point slide presentation, trainerAEs notes, and evaluation as well as a scoring guide for the CBMCS scale. Module I u Multicultural KnowledgeModule II u Awareness of Cultural BarriersModule III u Sensitivity and Responsiveness to ConsumersModule IV u Sociocultural Diversities CBMCS ParticipantAEs Workbook: Exercises, group activities, and areas for reflection that follow along with the training modules. (Qty. 10 included) Additional copies $24.95 ea. Free Demo OfferSee firsthand how the CBMCS Multicultural Program can increase the quality and effectiveness of your counselors. Order your free demo CD with no obligation.