For experienced Web design and Web development students taking intermediate-to-advanced courses in Flash, dynamic content delivery, or interactive Web development.
This fully-integrated eBook/QuickTime video-on-CD-ROM package represents the most visual and hands-on approach to mastering ActionScript and advanced Flash-based Web development. In 5+ hours of digital videos, expert Web developer Dan Livingston walks students through everything from scripting fundamentals to debugging, controlling the Flash Player to using XML. The CD-ROM contains all the source files students need to follow along. This package also contains a 250-page printed workbook, plus a complete eBook version of “Learn by Doing” ActionScript guide, Advanced Flash 5: ActionScript in Action —accessible with one click from anywhere in the course. Students can test themselves with challenging self-assessment questions, and extend their knowledge with the CD-ROM's extensive resource center, full of additional Flash links and readings.