Pro Arduino Games, you won't just learn how to build some cool gaming projects: you'll learn about game theory, game physics, the wide variety of sensors you can use, and the buffet of boards you can use to build your craziest gaming ideas.
As Arduino fans already know, Arduino has tons of possibilities in the gaming world, and the Esplora and Gameduino makes those possibilities easier than ever to create. But the possibilities actually go beyond the traditional handheld games or controller/console combos.
What if your game could learn by playing, like the computer in War Games? What if you could integrate Arduino into your favorite board game or tabletop RPG like Dungeons and Dragons? How about autonomous bots solving mazes, playing soccer, or even engaging in flight battles? Best of all, what if you could turn the real world into an massively-multiplayer game using Arduino? With Arduino and a combination of GPS and social interaction, you can make the world your MMO.
Bring your brains, your boards, and your most off-the-wall gaming plans: Pro Arduino Games will help make them a reality.