This open access report presents the European results from the third cycle (2022) of the IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS). Eighteen countries and two benchmarking participants (the German states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein) administered the European student questionnaire to target grade students. The purpose of the European student questionnaire is to explore specific European-related civic and citizenship issues derived from the overarching ICCS 2022 assessment framework. It includes questions on students’ opinions on European-related civic and citizenship issues such as students’ sense of European identity, students’ opportunities for learning about Europe, students’ attitudes toward free movement of European citizens, the European Union, and cooperation among European countries. It also includes questions on students’ sustainable behaviors and those related to political consumerism.
ICCS 2022 data allows education systems to evaluate the strengths of educational policies, and measure progress in their educational policies.