Natural Language Processing – IJCNLP 2005 - Second International Joint Conference, Jeju Island, Korea, October 11-13, 2005, Proc
The Theme of IJCNLP 2005: "NLP with Kimchee", a Conference with a Unique Flavor Welcometo IJCNLP 2005,thesecondannualconferenceof theAsian Federation ofNaturalLanguageProcessing(AFNLP). Followingthesuccessofthe?rstc- ference held in the beautiful cityof Sanya,Hainan Island,China, in March2004, IJCNLP 2005 is held in yet another attractive Asian resort, namely Jeju Island in Korea, on October 11-13, 2005 - the ideal place and season for appreciating mugunghwa, the rose of Sharon, and the national ?ower of Korea. On behalf of the Program Committee, we are excited to present these p- ceedings, which collect together the papers accepted for oral presentation at the conference. We received 289 submissions in total, from 32 economies all over the world: 77% from Asia, 11% from Europe, 0.3% from Africa, 1.7% from Australasia and 10% from North America. We are delighted to report that the popularity of IJCNLP has signi?cantly increased this year, with an increase of 37% from the 211 submissions from 16 economies and 3 continents received for IJCNLP 2004. With such a large number of submissions, the paper selection process was not easy.
With the very considerable assistance of our 12 area chairs - Claire Gardent,Jamie Henderson,Chu-Ren Huang,Kentaro Inui, GaryLee, Kim-Teng Lua, Helen Meng, Diego Moll' a, Jian-Yun Nie, Dragomir Radev, Manfred Stede, andMing Zhou- andthe 133internationalreviewers,90papers(31%)were- cepted for oral presentation and 62 papers (21%) were recommended as posters.