An MMPI Handbook: Volume II. Research Applications was first published in 1972. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.This is the second volume of a two-volume revised edition of An MMPI Handbook: A Guide to Use in Clinical Practice and Research by W. Grant Dahlstrom and George Schlager Welsh. It covers new developments in psychological, psychiatric, medical, criminal justice, and educational application processes, stress effects, learning processes, and personality are summarized. Evidence concerning the major sources of variance in the responses of various subjects to the test is examined from factor analytic work, experimental and psychometric studies of response sets, and research on demographic and other background factors. In addition, studies of evaluation of treatment employing the MMPI for screening, baseline determinations, appraisals of change effected by various physical and psychological interventions, and follow-up assessment are summarized. Ten technical appendixes provide valuable source material for research workers, including data on item endorsement frequencies, desirability ratings, stability of test responses, item structure and ambiguity, reliability data on basic scales and their intercorrelations, and the item composition, scoring, and normative data on most of the extant scales from the MMPI item pool. There is a bibliography of over 6,000 English and foreign-language references.