Uranium Deposits of the World, in three volumes, comprises an unprecedented compilation of data and descriptions of the uranium regions in Asia, USA, Latin America and Europe structured by countries. The volumes offer not only a complete uranium-resource reference for the covered continents based on the latest research but also for Asia and especially Eastern Europe access to data previously unavailable. Each country and region receives an analytical overview followed by the geologically- and economically-relevant synopsis of the individual regions and fields. The presentations are structured in three major sections: (a) location and magnitude of uranium regions, districts, and deposits, (b) principal features of regions and districts, and (c) detailed characteristics of selected ore fields and deposits. This includes sections on geology, alteration, mineralization, shape and dimensions of deposits, isotopes data, ore control and recognition criteria, and metallogenesis. The Asia volume also contains a typological classification of uranium deposits to give an overview of principal criteria of deposit types and related nomenclature.
The set provides readers with access to the voluminous literature via the comprehensive bibliography of uranium-related publications. Abundantly illustrated with information-laden maps and charts throughout, in combination with detailed subject and geographical indices, this reference work is an indispensable tool for geologists, mining companies, government agencies, and others with an interest in key natural resources. The three volumes of Uranium Deposits of the World are available as a set or individually. Also accessible (as a set and separate volumes) as an eReference on SpringerLink.com. The originally planned fourth volume with Australia, Oceania, and Africa will not be published after the author suddenly deceased.