As global economies grow and the cost of doing business increases, the brand is the pre-eminent business asset needed for success in global business development. Brand Management Strategies: Luxury and Mass Markets presents the brand experience on a market continuum from mass market to luxury, using diverse examples from Burberry to BMW, Coca-Cola to Chanel, and Starbucks to Starwood. Underpinned by the author's many years of practical experience as both a professor and brand consultant, this book details the proven steps necessary to develop, build, and sustain a successful brand strategy and business.
- Filled with current examples from fashion brands such as Burberry, Coach, and Target and non-fashion brands including Apple, Hyundai, Porsche, Ritz Carlton Hotels, and more
- Brandstorming: Successes and Failures depict real world case studies of successful-and not so successful-branding strategies
- Experiential learning tools include learning objectives, bolded key terms, and end of chapter Conversations discussion questions and Challenges projects and activities
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- Study smarter with self-quizzes featuring scored results and personalized study tips
- Review concepts with flashcards of terms and definitions
Teaching Resources
- Instructor's Guide provides suggestions for planning the course and using the text in the classroom, supplemental assignments, lecture notes, and Test Bank with sample test questions for each chapter
- PowerPoint (R) presentations include full color images from the book and provide a framework for lecture and discussion