Lose inches, beat diabetes and stop that heart attack!
Excess fat round your belly is not just dead weight; it's a living liability.
It's a fact. We are getting fatter and risking our health in the process. We are also spending huge sums on pills, potions and faddy diets, with little long-term success. But it doesn't need to be this way. Whether you are aiming to improve your health or you simply want to get slim, this is the only book you need to reverse the metabolic syndrome - the root cause of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
Why follow a low-carb, low-GI or low-fat diet that overlooks all the other factors that cause flab and fatigue? At last, here is a book that puts all the science into one powerful and practical plan. It sorts the facts from the fiction to explain exactly why you need to lose the excess weight and how to do it properly!
Follow the ground-breaking 28-day MUNCH plan to reset your metabolism and dump your toxic waist!
Key features
The metabolic syndrome: what it is and how it could be affecting you
Information on boosting your energy levels and reducing your cholesterol
How to lose weight and keep it off with the revolutionary MUNCH method of balancing your diet
28-day diet plan including 76 delicious recipes
An action plan and checklist to help you see how well you're doing