Physics, 12th Edition focuses on conceptual understanding, problem solving, and providing real-world applications and relevance. Conceptual examples, Concepts and Calculations problems, and Check Your Understanding questions help students understand physics principles. Math Skills boxes, multi-concept problems, and Examples with reasoning steps help students improve their reasoning skills while solving problems. “The Physics Of” boxes, and new “Physics in Biology, Sports, and Medicine” problems show students how physics principles are relevant to their everyday lives.
A wide array of tools help students navigate through this course, and keep them engaged by encouraging active learning. Animated pre-lecture videos (created and narrated by the authors) explain the basic concepts and learning objectives of each section. Problem-solving strategies are discussed, and common misconceptions and potential pitfalls are addressed. Chalkboard videos demonstrate step-by-step practical solutions to typical homework problems. Finally, tutorials that implement a step-by-step approach are also offered, allowing students to develop their problem-solving skills.