HONEY FROM THE ROCK is the second book of the trilogy and illustrates graphically that the history of the Holy Land is far more than a mere description of successive empires. What is paramount is the fact that this land is where the Jewish people has best expressed its religious genius throughout the ages.Thus, in ancient times, the symbiotic relationship between land and people produced the Bible, the foundation stone of Western Civilisation. Similarly, in later periods the Holy Land produced the Mishna, the Midrash, the Jerusalem Talmud, the Masorah and the Shulchan Aruch. All of these were to make a vital contribution to the development of the Oral Law, the counterpart of the Bible. Every copy of the book is supplied with a new innovation in the form of a Time Scale Measure. This should prove to be an invaluable educational tool to guide the reader into different aspects of the history of the Holy Land which can then be studied in depth in the book itself.The ultimate message of the intended trilogy is thus to stress how Jewish existence can only be ascribed to the unique bond between People, Land and Religion. '...I highly recommend this book for a place of honor in any Jewish home or school' - Rabbi Berel Wein