This book aims to equip those in, or entering business to assess the opportunities, limitations and major issues surrounding modern business information systems and to appreciate the way that information systems can aid the realization of business objectives.
This book provides students with:
good technical coverage,
accessible coverage for both business students and computing students,
interesting case studies, including a running case throughout the systems development chapters, showing real world application of ideas and technologies,
European context and examples
PowerPoint slides and additional test questions for Lecturers online.
New to this edition?
Chapters 10-15 on Systems Development, Analysis and Design have been replaced by new chapters taking an object oriented approach. The structured approach is still summarised in chapter 16 and the content from the previous edition is included in full online in the Companion Website.
Case studies, questions and activities have been updated throughout.
An introduction or increased focus on current topics such as globalisation, agile methods, E-Business, security and trust, off the shelf solutions, CRM, legacy systems integration, business intelligence, data warehousing and data mining.