Supplying everything you need for settling pleadings in personal injury claims, Personal Injury Pleadings: Includes a comprehensive range of personal injury pleadings from general topics such as occupiers' liability and motorists liability, to specific areas such as liabilities for sports injuries and injuries by animals Lays out pleadings in modern fashion using plain English, updated to reflect the most recent changes to the CPRProvides a selection of defences, paired with specific pleadingsIncludes guidance on basic considerations to take into account before drafting each type of pleadingOffers discussion of relevant case law as it applies to specific types of pleadingsIncludes relevant legislative provisions, current and legacy, for context and ease of referenceLays out pleading headings alphabetically for ease of useIncludes a CD which consists of all pleadings in electronic format, organised by chapter, as per the mainwork
Other: Allan Gore