Set Down in Malice a Book of Reminiscences
1919. A biographical volume from the author, Gerald Cumberland (pseudonym of Charles Frederick Kenyon), who was a contemporary of such renowned literary figures as George Bernard Shaw, W. B. Yeats, and Edward Elgar and noted for such works as The Poisoner and Tales of a Cruel Country. Set Down in Malice is best remembered for Cumberland's account of his interactions with Aleister Crowley. Contents: Mr. George Bernard Shaw; Miscellaneous; Mr. Frank Harris; Mr. Stanley Houghton and Mr. Harold Brighouse; Some Writers; Sir Edward Elgar; Intellectual Freaks; Fleet Street; Mr. Hall Caine; More Writers; Musical Critics; Manchester People; Chelsea and Mr. Augustus John; Cathedral Musical Festivals; People of the Theater; Berlin and Some of Its People; Some Musicians; Two Chelsea Rags, 1914 and 1918; More Musicians; People I Would Like to Meet; and Night Clubs.