RT is an alien male bioenergeme, who recently said: 1183. ACS - Before establishing bioenergemal communication with us, what familiarized were you then with the bioenergemal unit, with the bioenergeme and with bioenergy? RT - I could tell you that we were not familiarized, as a proof, as an experience is the fact that we only want to communicate ourselves through what is biomaterial, as in the case of crop circles. We did not have bioenergemal communication as an option. At least not as such, although we indeed knew that mutually you and we know each other. We have precisely conscientiated each other in dreams too. It is something that happens in Agram and that neither we have given name nor any importance to it. [Shows a bioscene of extraterrestrial scientists dedicated to observe through crystal different humanities, and he adds:] Nevertheless, from what I know by intuition out of what we have conscientiated, what they do is still at a biomaterial level and of the neuromindego. The participation of the bioenergeme, bioenergy and the bioenergemal unit has not been pointed out yet. RE is a terrestrial male bioenergeme, who recently said: 1196.A
CS - RE, what is your opinion about what RT has said? RE - I am gratifyingly surprised, it is similar to what other biotagonists we have commented. The fundament of a given humanity can vary, but the bioessence is the same. Because of the intangibleness of bioenergy, and consequently of the bioenergeme and the bioenergemal unit, humanities have had fears and at the same time advancements or approaches because of intuitions. The truth is that we are here with you thanks to the intuitions that you had. * * * Alejandro Cuevas-Sosa was born in Yautepec, Morelos, Mexico, in 1939. He studied medicine at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), in Mexico City. After a master's degree (human genetics) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, he returned to Mexico to specialize in psychotherapy at UNAM. He is member of the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias and now he is director president of the Fundacion Comunicacion Bioenergemal, in Mexico City.