The Access Reading Test is purpose-designed for wide-range assessment from age 7 to 20+ years, and pinpoints strengths and weaknesses in four key reading skill areas: Literal comprehension, Vocabulary, Comprehension requiring inference or prediction and opinions and Comprehension requiring analysis.
- Enable more effective progress monitoring through key stage 3 with new parallel form D - General-purpose group test for use across the full ability range, enabling assessment of pupils from Key Stage 2 up to A level and beyond - Provides reliable assessment for each age group with standardised scores, reading ages and percentiles, plus National Curriculum levels - Ideal for screening on entry to secondary school - Parallel forms allow retesting - Can be used to support access arrangements for KS2, GCSE and A level examinations by assessing eligibility for extra time in national tests and exams - The optional Scorer/Profiler CD-ROM enables instant, accurate age and score calculations and detailed group performance listings The Access Reading Test gives standardised scores, reading ages and percentiles, together with information about the average scores for each year group in each skill area. The manual also describes how to use the test to help establish if a student may be eligible for extra time in national tests or examinations.