The Iconography of Aegean Seals is a detailed analysis of the
iconography of the images on the Aegean seals, signets and sealings,
providing for the first time a comprehensive structured overview of
these images and a presentation of the artistic rules governing the
composition of their designs. The Icon Theory of Aegean glyptic art
which encompasses all aspects of the complex iconography and the
IconAegean standard vocabulary which reflects the visual language of the
seal designs together give the reader a framework for discussion and
study that has long been called for by researchers. In this book the
reader is taken deep into the seal designs and asked to ponder anew the
images in these miniature masterpieces that were of such importance to
their Aegean owners. The exposition of the work of the icon in
creating memorable seal designs is cogently argued through seal
examples. The presentation of the terms of the standard vocabulary in an
illustrated dictionary format makes the detail of the seal designs
accessible as never before. The copiously illustrated closing discussion
on design revises some of the old nomenclature, identifies new motifs
and elucidates relationships between image groupings. This book takes a
fresh view of the glyptic material, one that may surprise, but one that
certainly provides new insights into the subtle, sophisticated and
polyvalent iconography of the seal designs.