This book was born out of the author's personal experience with pain, and also, her more than forty years of observing hurting people. Growing up in a very dysfunctional family, and upon assuming a leadership role at a very young age, she learned the meaning of hurt and pain. But more importantly, she learned what it means to triumph. In this edition, The Power of Forgiveness, which is her first published book, she shares practical information, and personal applications that have proven to be a powerful healing guide in her life. Also, she believes God has given her insight into why many people experience unimaginable emotional pain. If you are one of the countless people who are hurting, there is a purpose for your hurt. More importantly, you can be delivered from the pain that has held you captive far too long. It is with you in mind that this healing message has been written. Hopefully, you will pay special attention to the highlighted messages, which are profound revelations to the author. The activities found in the appendix are designed for practical application. You may utilize them to assist you in the healing process.