In 1873, "the history of East Lothian has yet to be written", the author wrote "and all that the accompanying "SKETCHES" aim at is that they may prove of some use to the future historian-in helping him to fill up the outlines and finish the picture. They are simply what they profess to be-'Sketches'-and lay no claim to absolute historical precision, or to minute topographical accuracy. Neither the botanist nor the geologist will be much the better of them; but it is hoped that the antiquary, and the general reader, more especially if he be resident, may be able to glean a few not uninteresting facts in connection with a district which has played no unimportant part in the history of Scotland. Historical notices of the royal burghs of Haddington, Dunbar, and North Berwick will be found in any ordinary Gazetteer, and do not come within the scope of the present volume.In the absence of an abler pen to do adequate justice to the characteristics of East Lothian-to describe in fitting language that picturesque commingling of hill and dale, of moorland and meadow, which give to it such a charm-to cast upon the dim traditions of a remoter age the light of exact historical research, and thereby the better to link the past with the present-the Editor ventures to solicit the indulgence of his readers.