This book brings together information the student is likely to need in the laboratory for characterization of organic compounds--their principal chemical reactions and their spectral properties. For the third edition of this popular laboratory student text the authors have included the theoretical basis of the chemical tests which are described and have also expanded the sections on spectroscopy. In particular the layout of the tables--both chemical and spectroscopic--has been improved. The melting point tables have been revised in the light of current availability of organic compounds. A basic knowledge of the theoretical principles of spectroscopy is assumed. Systematic names are used throughout though where the older trivial names are still in common use these are given in addition. The book also includes a section on the characterization of pharmaceutical compounds for students of pharmacy. Contents: Preface to First Edition; Preface to Second Edition, Preface to Third Edition; Safety in the Laboratory; Preliminary Tests, Chemical and Spectroscopic Characterization of Functional Groups; Chromatographic Methods; The Separation of Organic Mixtures; Preparation of Derivatives: Tables of Organic Compounds and their Derivatives; Pharmaceutical Compounds; Index.