A further continuation of his self-styled Dark Radical Poetics, the author once again embarks on an expressionistic and aphoristic intellectual journey In the spirit of Ourobouros, and the closely wed concept of eschaton, the notion of time and death and their relation are always uppermost in his mind, as is the concept of beauty - not least lyrically - as a way of transcending that mortal coil. AS often previously the topics of drugs and the bohemian, often lonely lifestyle in a small college town are addressed honestly and reflectively; there is little in the world at this age in all its chaos that makes the author angry. Again it is the frailty of the heart that is given most consideration - a self-indulgent exercise so often passed over in today's interconnected lives. This is a book once again for moments of reflection, and hopefully the hearts and minds of the similarly afflicted will take consolation that they are far from alone and without hope as any out there.