Originally published in July, 1919. The work begins with a Foreword which states, in part: "The world is asked to consider Ireland merely as 'England's domestic problem.' Certain circumstances, unyielding as iron, preclude the acceptance of any such view. Not even by the utmost stretch of amiable intent can (the question) be set down and written off as domestic? As never before the Irish are united. With the exception of protesting majorities in four Ulster counties, Ireland voted as a unit in 1918 for a republican government. The seventy-three representatives elected by the Sinn Fein refused to take their seats at Westminster and have assembled as an Irish Parliament, sitting in Dublin. Thousands of British soldiers in Ireland virtually constitute an army of occupation..." Chapters include, in part: The Story of 'Home Rule', Broken Pledges, Five Centuries of Irish War, Two Centuries of Irish Rebellion, Can Ireland Stand Alone.