International Relations--Still an American Social Science?
This book is a valuable evaluation of the propensity toward parochialism in international thought. It analyzes the implications in terms of how the "problems" of international relations, the theoretical tools constructed to deal with them, and the direction of theoretical debate often reflect the unconscious bias of the national domains in which these intellectual activities are conducted. It scans the breadth of the contemporary discipline, broadly attempting to take its pulse and assess the contours of its new diversity.
Contributors include Pal Ahluwalia, Chris Brown, Molly Cochran, Robert M. A. Crawford, Roger Epp, Martin Griffiths, A. J. R. Groom, Teresa Healey, John M. Hobson, K. J. Holsti, Darryl S. L. Jarvis, Peter Mandaville, Mark Neufeld, Kim R. Nossal, Terry O'Callaghan, Jan Pettman, Tony Porter, James Richardson, Roger Spegele, and Michael Sullivan.