Following in the tradition of its bestselling predecessors, Project Management Maturity Model, Third Edition provides a roadmap for improving project success and boosting organizational performance. This edition presents new and revised material based on the Project Management Institute's (PMI's) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, Fifth Edition (PMBOK (R) Guide). Chapters are based on the 10 knowledge areas specified in PMI's standard.
A cornerstone of the author's organization, PM Solutions, has been the Project Management Maturity Model (PMMMSM). This book fully describes the model to provide you with a comprehensive tool to improve your organization's project management practices. The book covers the areas critical to organizational improvement, including the project management office, management oversight, and professional development. After reading this book, you will understand how to:
Determine the maturity of your organization's project management processes and use that information to address business needs
Map a logical path to organization-wide process improvement
Set priorities for short-term process improvement
Assess the need for a project management office
Track progress against your project management improvement plan
Build and sustain a culture of project management excellence
The book provides you with a conceptual framework to optimize specific project management processes and boost the capabilities of your organization. It presents best practices for determining portfolio maturity, setting short-term priorities, improving portfolio management processes, and tracking progress. It also includes a checklist for assessing your organization's project management maturity as well as an updated version of PM Solutions' Project Portfolio Management Maturity Model.