Severe and oppression and abuse by government agencies leads Anna to build a golem to get her justice! She experiences numerous problems along the way that take Anna on an adventure into the spirit world. She also has to deal with the spirit world from the physical world. She visits heaven during her meditation practices and is given 'holy stones' by the angel, Gabriel. She is unsure of what to do with them. Samael tries to trick her into giving them to him along the way. Back in the physical realm, she is invaded by dybbuks and has to trap them in a dybbuk box. Now she has dybbuks to figure out what to do with, and the 'holy stones' which have some sort of power, though Anna cannot seem to figure out, what that power is. Finally, she builds a golem for justice in the physical realm. A delightful tale of a tzaddik and her desire to see her lacha dodi face to face, amidst all of the trials and chaos. The book is deeply kabbalistic in nature, with notes of arcane ideas intertwined.