Climatic factors such as rain, snow, and other forms ofprecipitation can have a significant impact on the transmission ofradio, light, or heat waves in the atmosphere. Communicationsystems may experience a loss of signal caused by the effects ofrain on a radio link. Radar systems may experience interferencethat distorts the amplitude of the target signal. Any remotesensing system that relies on the propagation of electromagneticwaves must therefore be designed to take these factors intoaccount.
Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Through Rain was written to helpsystem designers in such fields as meteorology, telecommunications,radar, and aircraft guidance systems face the challenge ofpredicting and compensating for these potentially seriousweather-related effects on communication or remote sensing systemsaround the world and above the surface of the earth.
Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Through Rain describes andanalyzes the interaction between electromagnetic waves and variousforms of precipitation. Interdisciplinary in approach, this bookprovides a solid in-depth treatment of the underlying physics aswell as applications in communications, the aerospace industry, andmeteorology.
Through a combination of observations and models, Dr. Craneprovides both students and practitioners of communication systemdesign with a reliable statistical base for determining thefrequency and severity of precipitation- generated attenuationepisodes that can significantly impact on vital electromagneticwaves in the atmosphere.
An invaluable book for professionals and advanced students inelectrical, aerospace, and communications engineering, remotesensing, physics, and meteorology, Electromagnetic Wave PropagationThrough Rain represents a significant addition to the literatureand an important contribution to our understanding and managementof this problem.
Precipitation patterns can have a major impact on telecommunicationand radar systems around the world. The frequency and duration ofrain or snow in any given area at any given time can determine theextent to which vital electromagnetic waves may becompromised--causing interference or even failure in a system. Theresult of more than 30 years of research, Electromagnetic WavePropagation Through Rain provides a clear analysis of attenuationby rain and other forms of precipitation on a wide range of vitalcommunication systems.
Using observations and models, the author offers predictablestatistics of rain events which can help to achieve more effectivesystem designs. Its practical interdisciplinary approach makesElectromagnetic Wave Propagation Through Rain an indispensableresource for engineering professionals and advanced students inelectrical, aerospace, and communications engineering.
Major topics covered include:
* Effects of Rain
* Rain Structure and Rain-Rate Statistics
* Rain-Rate Climate Models
* Modeling Attenuation by Rain
* Attenuation Mitigation via Diversity
* Worst-Month Statistics
* Estimating Risk