The fourth edition of 'Business Ethics' explores throughout the text, in the context of business ethics, the three major challenges that businesses face when making ethical decisions:
* Globalization
* Sustainability
* Corporate citizenship.
Crane and Matten provides a truly global approach with a strong European perspective as well as examples from emerging economies and all around the world.
The text's accessible style and easy-to-follow narrative ensure it is engaging for students new to the subject. The text features excellent case studies and unique pedagogical features that show how theory relates to real-life practice, including Ethics on Screen, Ethics Online and Ethics in Action. It also focuses on skills, such as key decision-making skills, through in-text features including Skill Checks, Think Theory boxes and Key Concept boxes.
This text is accompanied by an Online Resource Centre, which provides:
Student resources
- Additional case study web links
- Additional 'Ethics in Action' web links
- Additional 'Ethics on Screen' web links
- Useful ethics web links
- Further reading
- Link to Crane & Matten blog and feeds from new blogs
- Think Theory Answers - short responses to the 'Think Theory' features that are currently in the text
- Trailers of movies featured in the Ethics on Screen boxes
- Video links
- 'Ethics careers' section for students
Lecturer resources:
* Teaching notes for case studies
* Teaching notes for 'Ethical Dilemmas'
* Teaching notes for 'Ethics in Action'
* Teaching notes for 'Ethics on Screen'
* PowerPoint slides
* Think Theory Answers - short responses to the 'Think Theory' features that are currently in the text
* Crane and Matten 'Case Bank' - cases no longer in book will be provided on the ORC for use by instructors
* Additional Week 1 PowerPoint slides with details of book, ORC, and blog
* Test bank
* Sample course outline for instructors specifying course aims, student skills, weekly subjects and key readings