The third edition of
Process Systems Analysis and Control retains the excellent style for which this book is well known: short, clearly written chapters. The book is an ideal teaching and learning tool for a semester-long undergraduate chemical engineering course in process dynamics and control. It avoids the encyclopedic approach that many texts on this topic fall into. The third edition is updated to include new topics, including model predictive control and digital control, that are introduced at a level appropriate for the undergraduate chemical engineering curriculum.
Computer examples using MATLAB and Simulink have been introduced throughout the book to supplement and enhance standard hand-solved examples. These packages allow the easy construction of block diagrams and quick analysis of control concepts to enable the student to explore "what-if" type problems that would be much more difficult and time consuming by hand. Many new homework problems have been added to each chapter. The new problems are a mixture of hand-solved and computer exercises. One-page capsule summaries have been added to the end of each chapter to help students review and study the most important concepts in each chapter.