Willow Brook is that moment in Gethsemane in the Christian life, where one is compelled to honestly confess, just like their Captain, "My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death" (Matthew 26: 38). It is that season in the lives of honorable Christians, though perhaps seen as dishonorable. So strong when apparently weak. Victorious, yet in seeming failure. Heading for heaven, though in fear of hell. Greatly blessed, though, for the time being, unhappy. It is the place of wounded consciences, bleeding over sins committed. It is the place of sharp temptations, incessant enticements. It is the place of broken hearts, due to the death of a loved one; perhaps divorce, unfaithfulness in a marriage, tragedy, unfair treatment and abuse. It is perhaps the place of slander and character assassination; the place of sickness and exquisite pain; the place of confusion; the place of wandering and wicked thoughts; the place of deep depression, even causeless depression (as we would reckon it). It is the place of evil oppression and the flying, yea, fiery darts of the wicked. It is undoubtedly the place of sorrow; it is "the brook of the willows" (Isaiah 15: 7).