Trusted by students and lecturers for over thirty years, Steiner & Woods EU Law is the most comprehensive black letter guide to the subject, leading the reader through the subject in a straightforward way, and bringing together the expertise of two authors engaged in the teaching of EU law.
The book includes a well-balanced range of topics for students taking an EU law course at any level. Offering a careful blend of institutional and substantive coverage, it focuses on explaining the law clearly for student readers. Case detail is clearly sign-posted throughout the text, with key cases highlighted and discussed in feature boxes, ensuring students are up to speed with the most important case law in the area.
End of chapter reading suggestions, along with a detailed bibliography, provide a helpful starting point for essay preparation and independent research.
Digital formats and resources
This edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources.
- The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features, and links that offer extra learning support:
- The online resources include self-test questions and answers, and an EU development timeline.
As the process of the UK leaving the EU unfolds, readers can also visit the OUP 'Brexit and EU Law' page for comment, opinion, and updates created by our authors to engage students with the legal issues and considerations at play.
This book is accompanied by extra Brexit materials online.