Scienti?c Computing in Electrical Engineering (SCEE) is an international c- ference series, which started as a national German meeting held in Darmstadt (1997) and Berlin (1998), both under the auspices of the Deutscher Mathematiker Verein. The ?rst truly international SCEE conference was organized in 2000 in Warnemunde, .. Germany, by the University of Rostock. In 2002, the 4th SCEE c- ference took place in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, jointly organized by the Ei- hoven University of Technologyand Philips Research LaboratoriesEindhoven.The 5th SCEE conference was held in 2004 in Capo D'Orlando, Italy, jointly organized by Universita di Catania and Consorzio Catania Ricerche. The venue of the 6th SCEE conference was Sinaia, Romania, in 2006, organized by the Politehnica U- versity of Bucharest. The 7th International Conference on Scienti?c Computing in Electrical En- neering (SCEE 2008) was held in Espoo, Finland, from September 28 to October 3, 2008. It was organized by the Helsinki University of Technology; Faculty of Electronics, Communications and Automation; Department of Radio Science and Engineering; Circuit Theory Group.
(Details on the SCEE 2008 conference are at