In a new era were all civilization are controlled by technology live Clifford, an Hiram members , living in dodecahedron of occident. He is a prince , unique son he live with self honor ! He is knight elected recently ordained. He have a girlfriend princess who live with him call Attellyne During a short search about wave of form , he learned there is hum of voice about a potential brother he could have so in his life all which had toll to him could be false ! Sitting in his apartment, Clifford is in deep relax ire meditation. trough his experience we discover the universe of the psyche, at the same time as mental and energetic transcendence. The grand master then appears and declare a precept to him, and we realize once again that there is no border between their psyches.The whole story takes place in an ultra futuristic ambiance that among other things takes interest in controversial subject such as Petrodollars ,etc...