This volume offers the latest in neuroscientific research about the teenage brain and explores what it means for the socio-emotional and intellectual development of teenagers. The book is designed to help teachers create and utilize more effective learning experiences for their adolescent students. Using ten powerful ideas that will help teachers create more effective brain compatible classrooms, the author draws the ideas from what we presently know about the teenage brain and its development, and integrates them with current ideas and theories on intelligence and learning. Each of the 10 powerful ideas includes:
- case studies and numerous examples of teaching strategies and activities designed to show teachers how to translate the theory of the ten ideas into workable classroom practice
- descriptions of the changing and differing roles and expectations for both teachers and students in the brain-compatible classroom
- extensive explanations of the kind of learning environment we need to establish and how teachers ought to go about establishing this desired learning environment.
This is an ideal resource for teachers, teacher educators, and parents of teenagers.