Watching the Skies: Janus, Auspication, and the Shrine in the Roman Forum
Rabun Taylor
Reconsidering the So-called "Sede degli Augustali" at Ostia
Margaret A. Laird
Juvenal's Third Satire: Umbricius' Rome, Vergil's Troy
Gregory A. Staley
The Neronian Odeum at Cosa and Its Sculptural Program: A New Julio-Claudian Dynastic Group
Jacquelyn Collins-Clinton
Like a Virgin: The Meaning of the Magdalen for Female Penitents of Later Medieval Italy
Katherine L. Jansen
The Guglie of Naples: Religious and Political Machinations of the Festival Macchine
Maria Ann Conelli
Rome ca. 1820: An Album of Drawings by Luigi Poletti at the American Academy in Rome
Christina Huemer
The Water-Mills on the Janiculum
Andrew Wilson
A Preliminary Report on New Studies and Excavations at Horace's Villa: The Campaigns of 1997 and 1998
Bernard Frischer, Kathryn Gleason, Stefano Camaiani, Laura Cerri, Irene Lekstuti, and Luca Passalacqua.
The Joint-AAR-DAI Research Project at Ostia: 1998 and 1999 Seasons
Archer Martin and Michael Heinzelmann
A Semi-Cappuccina Tomb in the Garden of the American Academy in Rome
Shawna Leigh
Malcolm Bell, III, is Professor of Art, University of Virginia.
Anthony Corbeill is Associate Professor of Classics, University of Kansas