Who has not, well arranged in a cupboard, well folded, or under cover, a garment emblematic of its history: the one that we do not want to get rid of! Often abondoned with regret, we dream of postponing it. But its usury or its size disuades us. Souvenir of trave, timeless but worn, imprinted by the memory of a loved one, to classical but percisely our size, too strict also, chine in a frippe, we keep it intact and it moves with us! The seven workshops in this book explain how to redo the patterns of these garments without undoing them in order to preserve them. You will find pullover, pants, shirt and corsage but also dress and jackets. Using a variety of very simple techniques, you will be able to extract a pattern that you can transform to your taste to give your new garment a look that will only belong to you! Passionate about clothes, fabrics and cutting techniques in that it reveals the history of the wearer, Claire Wargnier has been dreaming of this work for a long time in order to allow everyone to redo a garment full of emotion and of experience.
It was based on the technicality of Nathalie Coppin, professor of model CAD at ESMOD Paris, able to respond to the technique of patronage explained step by step in this book.