Pirate Ship [With 2 Collectible Pirate FiguresWith Fold-Out Pirate Ship, and Press-Out Models]
Ahoy maties! This thrilling kit recreates life in the golden age of pirates -- at sea, in port, in battle, and at a secret pirate hideaway. With the help of Jack, the Sea Serpent's cabin boy, children learn to tie knots, swab the deck, and mend sails. It's smooth sailing until the boat is taken over by pirates! Then, with the incredible 3-D model of a pirate ship, youngsters can stage exciting scenes like Captain Barracuda's deadly attack and a violent storm that shipwrecks the crew. A dramatically illustrated, 24-page book with fascinating pirate facts, along with over 50 press-out models and two collectible pirate figures, provide more swashbuckling fun.