The Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (Flying) was instituted in November 1942 to right the anomaly that no award existed for non-commissioned aircrew between the DFM and the VC, or in other words - an equivalent to the DSO for commissioned officers. Only 110 CGMs were awarded and this book describes the events and personalities of many of those whose bravery in combat led to the award of this very rare medal. The first recipient was Flight Sergeant Leslie Wallace, a wireless operator with 83 Squadron, who extinguished a major fire in his Lancaster and despite his severe wounds returned to his radio until the crippled aircraft returned to England. The final CGM was awarded to Flight Sergeant John Couglan in Vietnam, when he assisted boarding casualties in the face of heavy fire from the Vietcong. In between there are a host of tales that recount incredible feats of courage. Lengthy appendices list recipients of the medal and other statistics concerning the award.