A crack team of covert agents.
Word is out to ex-Marine sniper Charlie Dean and his team of the National Security Agency: Infiltrate the highest stratum of Peruvian political power and derail a renegade general from acing an election. All Dean has to do is find a way inside an impenetrable bank vault protected by armed guards round the clock a" ita (TM)s all in a daya (TM)s work for the men and women of Deep Black.
A violent political coup.
But things get complicated when Dean and company discover the renegade generala (TM)s second plot. The military madmana (TM)s ruse a" a nuclear weapon he claims is in the hands of Marxist guerillas, a bomb that only he can rescue...and control.
A devastating terrorist plot.
When the general and his plot are exposed, the NSA concludes the greatest threat is over. But in fact, ita (TM)s only just beginning...